Social media changes...
Natasha Devine, Jason A. Devine, Fightwing, Bleach Battalion, and Gravemist are no longer using Big Tech social media
Due to a combination of factors, from Elon Musk's bizarre and dangerous experiments with implanting electronic computer chips into the brains of monkeys all the way to the collusion of the rest of Big Tech with big government in censoring and oppressing Americans, the Fightwing family is no longer using mainstream Big Tech social media.
Natasha Devine has been censored too much on YouTube, and the unjust content strikes have resulted in the shadow banning of both channels so she will now be streaming via Twitch when needed.
Bleach Battalion and Gravemist have been essentially marked as some sort of illegal content or hate or something and the big Tech sites do not respond to our request when we ask them to delete imposter profiles, so the bands have no use for these platforms. Natasha has thus created a profile on Truth Social in order to promote.
To confirm, yes, Natasha has real profiles on the independent free speech social media sites Clouthub, Flote and WeGo; but those sites are currently not active enough for regular active use and are currently really just placeholders until those sites become more populated with our community. Jason Devine has also been shadowbanned on mainstream social media for some time, and can currently only be found at his Telegram channel.
You can find us online at our official websites and the other links below.