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Natasha Devine on the Kennedy Americans Podcast


Here is me rebutting Scott Ritter (who I hear recently had a Visa denial) and what was originally a live space on x Twitter. You can hear the entire thing on YouTube if you like but essentially Ritter had made the claim that when you see zionists using the Hebrew term "Eretz Yisrael" that it refers to Greater Israel, an Irredentist map, much larger than the current state of Israel, that includes several parts of what are currently other countries.

Full disclosure, I personally am pro-Irredentist on this particular issue, but most Jews nowadays are not and he was grossly misrepresenting a word he didn't even understand.

He also had downplayed October 7th and gave off the idea of that Zionists were overreacting!

He also tried to push the idea that Zionists outside of Israel are primarily loyal to a foreign state. But he doesn't understand that even without a state, Jews are supposed to live in the land of Israel, as it is part of our religion. Furthermore Zionism is based in a respect for self-determination, and unless we want to be total hypocrites, if we support American self-determination, we must also support Israeli self-determination.

I had more to say after his questionable response to me but we were limited on time.

My ideal utopian Zionist setup would be what they call a minarchist night watchman state which essentially only did the most bare bones basic governmental functions and enforced very few laws on citizens themselves.

If Jews in Israel were not beholden to government rules, and were allowed to defend ourselves as we see fit, I think we see a much different situation in Gaza today. Imagine if all the Jews that were upset about it just descended upon Gaza without waiting for the official government response.


#rfkjr #israeltruth

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